
What Are the Benefits of Sustainable Packaging?
Navigating the areas of sustainability and sustainable packaging can feel a bit overwhelming. It can be difficult to distinguish the truth from the greenwashing. Let’s take a closer look at sustainable packaging – what it is and whether it is more beneficial than alternatives.

Hardworking Kiwi innovation from Pharmapac, the new Oval Squeeze Flask
Like many great product ideas, the oval squeeze flask came about when we recognised a gap in the market for a more versatile packaging solution for the food and beverage sector.

Pharmapac is thrilled to be recognised by the Sustainable Business Network
Pharmapac is extremely proud to be listed in the Sustainable Business Network (SBN) “Circular Economy Directory” for the second year in a row.

Pharmapac has once again reached the highest level of enviromark certification, Toitū enviromark diamond
For the fifth year in a row, Pharmapac has achieved our certification of Toitū enviromark diamond – the highest level possible. This proud accomplishment demonstrates that we are accurately measuring and managing our organisation’s environmental aspects and impacts.

Pharmapac now offers a 100% recyclable, sugarcane plant-based packaging
Pharmapac is extremely proud to be adding a 100% recyclable sugarcane biopolymer to our range of packaging options.

Pharmapac receives Natural Health Products Supplier of the year award for 2023
Pharmapac is thrilled to advise we have been awarded the coveted Natural Health Products Supplier of the Year award in the category of materials for the second year running.

New Innovations And Designs
At Pharmapac we’re committed to continuous improvement, so we’re always looking for new innovations and designs in order to be more sustainable and to provide greater value for our customers.

Pharmapac successfully audited against SMETA
Pharmapac (PPAC) is audited against the SMETA Standard.
SMETA is an audit, which helps you to understand standards of labour, health and safety, environmental performance, and ethics within your own operations or at a supplier site.

95% of New Zealanders have access to PP Recycling
Polypropylene (“PP”) is a highly recyclable and sought-after material in Aotearoa NZ with strong value and a corresponding end market. Many manufacturers are wanting to secure more NZ recycled polypropylene (“rPP”) rather than having to import it.